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All too often in the fire service we train on the technical aspects of our job, but rarely do we train, teach, coach or mentor our leaders (company & chief officers) on how to deal with the interpersonal side of our job and how to truly lead. This course is designed to give experience proven advice on how lead, strive, and obtain excellence. It is instructed from the perspective of a “High Performer” and reviews critical practices for company officers such as: Building your culture, the 4 Levels of expectations, 3 conditions of Leadership Influence and how to create effective influence, methods of effective communication, creating an Operational Disciplined mindset- tactical tips, understanding the 2 Levels of Mentoring Accountability, servant leadership, motivating and inspiring your firefighters and much more. This class is designed to give legitimate, time proven practices that leaders can implement immediately and see instant results. All subjects discussed in this class have been originated from on-the job trial and error and from this we have found many critical practices that work! Regardless if you work in a large or small department, from urban to suburban, leaders face the same challenges. This class will give you tons of “Nuggets” on how to deal with the many challenges you will face as a fire service leader.

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