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Basic skills within the fire service have been forgotten in the past few decades. We have been focused on new technology and overly creative ways of accomplishing simple fire ground tasks. In reality, the same basic skills that we learned in the academy, when mastered, create winning outcomes on the fire ground. Combine efficient skills with speed and effective thought processes and you have a well-rounded firefighter.

This 2-day HOT Class is designed to get you back to the basics of firefighting. It consists of a morning workout hosted and programmed by renowned Crossfit athlete and firefighter Matt Chan, followed by skills stations (hose, forcible entry, search, ladders, masking up, water supply, vertical vent) that will be instructed by East Metro Firefighters and others from around the region. Evolutions will follow on Day 2 that build on the combination of multiple skills and increase speed/efficiency while at the same time adding stress. The goal is to create an environment similar to the fire ground in order to “practice how we play.”  This is an extremely physically demanding training class.  Expect 12+ hours each day on the drill ground.

It is the mastery of these basic skills that create high performers on the fire ground. The ones that perform the basic skills correctly with the most speed and efficiency are the ones that own the fire ground.

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