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Starting in April 2017 the Underwriters Laboratories Firefighter Safety Research Institute (UL-FSRI) research team along with members of their Advisory Board and select fire service educators and leaders from across the country, have teamed up to present Fire Dynamics Bootcamps throughout the US.  As part of the 3 day events, FSRI’s Steve Kerber and Dan Madrzykowski lectured on several Core Concepts arising out over a decade’s worth of fire dynamics research at UL and NIST.

Peter Van Dorpe has been intimately involved with the UL/NIST research since 2006 and is lucky to be a member of the instructional team at the bootcamps.  At t is workshop he will use Madrzykowski’s Fire Dynamics lecture and Kerber’s Core Concepts to lead a discussion on how these ideas and information can assist participants in developing best practices for mounting an intelligent interior fire attacks in a modern fire environment.  Along the way, he may help debunk some of the myths, misstatements and misinterpretation that has made its way onto blogs and social media.  At the end of the day we need to be more “aggressive” than ever before, BUT we must come to a better understanding of what that means and how we can intelligently do so.

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