Women’s Firefighter Symposium

>> Register Here << This symposium offers something for every rank and position. It enhances leadership, fireground strategy, tactics, and task level

Women’s Firefighter Symposium2023-07-11T13:03:10-07:00

Lake Effect Fire Conference

>> Register Here << This fourth-annual Lake Effect Fire Conference is quite simply aligned with the mission of Fire Nuggets, and our

Lake Effect Fire Conference2024-02-11T17:09:39-08:00

Evidence Based Engine & Truck Operations

>> Register Here << Fire ground decision making should be based on facts discovered through experience and validated by research.  Our agency SOG’s must be tied to contemporary evidence-based findings. Through a combination of data from UL’s Fire Safety Research Institute (FSRI) experiments and vast experience of our instructors (Keith Stakes Battalion Chief Montgomery County FD and FSRI Engineer, Derek Alkonis Assistant Chief (Ret.) Los Angeles County FD, Sean Gray Fire Captain Cobb County FD & Chad Christensen Battalion Chief Los Angeles County FD, several consistent themes have emerged that will improve firefighter effectiveness. The Tactical Considerations supporting Engine and Truck Company operations included within this class will challenge, or perhaps reinforce, your Strategies, Tactics and Tasks addressed within  your SOG/SOP’s.

Evidence Based Engine & Truck Operations2022-10-07T20:51:28-07:00

Evidence Based Engine & Truck Operations

>> Register Here << Fire ground decision making should be based on facts discovered through experience and validated by research.  Our agency SOG’s must be tied to contemporary evidence-based findings. Through a combination of data from UL’s Fire Safety Research Institute (FSRI) experiments and vast experience of our instructors (Keith Stakes Battalion Chief Montgomery County FD and FSRI Engineer, Derek Alkonis Assistant Chief (Ret.) Los Angeles County FD, Sean Gray Fire Captain Cobb County FD & Chad Christensen Battalion Chief Los Angeles County FD, several consistent themes have emerged that will improve firefighter effectiveness. The Tactical Considerations supporting Engine and Truck Company operations included within this class will challenge, or perhaps reinforce, your Strategies, Tactics and Tasks addressed within  your SOG/SOP’s.

Evidence Based Engine & Truck Operations2022-10-07T20:54:01-07:00

The Art of Stretching, Flowing, and Moving

>Register Here << With Rick Archuleta, JD Flint, Ryan Morrison, and Joe Wood With an emphasis on the first line, this class focuses on the art of stretching, moving, and flowing

The Art of Stretching, Flowing, and Moving2022-09-21T20:36:25-07:00

Engine Company Operations

>REGISTER HERE<< Day 1 Classroom UL Coordinated Fire Attack Study Day 2 Hands-On Know Your Flow Stretching for Success

Engine Company Operations2022-03-18T20:08:05-07:00

Mile High Firefighter’s Conference

>>REGISTER HERE<< Welcome to MHFC 2022! Whether you’re a first time student, or a returning one, we’ve got some exciting updates to our conference this year, so please read on.  Our event this fall will begin with our Pre-Conference Officer-Development Series.  This full-day event will take place at our host hotel and will showcase two classrooms of presentations that run side by side.  You’ll have the opportunity to pick the presentations that interest you most. The following day we’ll kick off our conference with our Keynote Lecture Series! Three powerful presentations, along with merchandise sales will take place in the grand ballroom! The following two days consist of hands-on-training at various sites around the Denver area.  As the student, you can pick which days, and which classes you’d like to attend, but keep in mind we offer discounts for full conference registrations.  Thank you for registering and we look forward to learning alongside all of you this fall!

Mile High Firefighter’s Conference2022-03-18T20:01:29-07:00

Mounting the Intelligent Interior Fire Attack

>>REGISTER HERE<< Starting in April 2017 the Underwriters Laboratories Firefighter Safety Research Institute (UL-FSRI) research team along with members of their Advisory

Mounting the Intelligent Interior Fire Attack2022-03-18T20:02:03-07:00
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